Silver Stars Musical Revue Society

Consider becoming a SS sponsor by making a tax deductible donation OR when purchasing your tickets, buy a Gift Ticket to help someone less fortunate attend a show.

Spring 2025 Audition Call

Interested in performing (singing, dancing, acting)?  Consider becoming a member.  Go to the Contact page of this sight and send a contact form to us for more information.  Singers need to be able to match pitch.  Dancers need to audition for the choreographer to assess skill level in Tap and Jazz.

New members are welcome at the beginning of each season--September and January.

Seeking talented adult actors/singers/dancers for an original play written and directed by P. Gail Whiteford based on a spy theme.

Auditions:  Friday, Feb. 7, 7:00 - 9:00 PM, German Canadian Club, 218 – 37 Avenue NE
Prepare: A song to sing (if needed, provide a backup track); audition will include a cold read.
Rehearsal Period: February – May 2025 (~2 rehearsals per week)
Performance Dates: May 30 -June 1
To secure your rehearsal time or for any questions, please use the contact form on this site.


Silver STARS Wants YOU!!